It was the easier part of the job, because CAD engineering is my profession. Unfortunately I dont have so much experienece in scale modelling. R-22S is my secound design.
In the last some weeks I finished the R22 plan and ordered the laser cutting. After the boring designing period it is a great feeling to catch the part in my hands.
In the last some month I did some progress on R22-S plan. Still I have a lot to do on it but I hope I can finish it soon. The building process could start at the begining of next year.
To tell the thrues I am an mechanical engineer and I use SOLID EDGE from 8 to 10 hours a day, but despite of the fact it is a big achievement to design a classik glider lik ...
I dont know how long is it since that I am watching and learning the retro- plane building methodes here in this website. I was very close to order a Schneder Habicht or an Nemere, but I chos ...
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