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  Sujet: spray magique (for dope "Spannlack")

Réponses: 2
Vus: 6706

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 24/06/2016 20:17   Sujet: spray magique (for dope "Spannlack")
You are right: this spray orginially "cleans white dust" on wood. It is especially made for "nitro-cellulose-varnish", like dope "Spannlack" or shellac "Schelllack&q ...
  Sujet: spray magique (for dope "Spannlack")

Réponses: 2
Vus: 6706

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 24/06/2016 16:42   Sujet: spray magique (for dope "Spannlack")
Salut à tous,

Maybe you know that I use for the most of my gliders a usual fabric, a lining fabric "Futterstoff". It's commenly used inside suits. Light and strong. This fabric is very us ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 26/04/2015 06:32   Sujet: maiden flight

This wonderful plane took off in the air just great. First by throwing out of the hand, later on with high start.
Nothing irregular happend, just an easy ride with the wind Very Happy

https: ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 05/03/2015 18:56   Sujet: glider in the box
Meanwhile I've made a box for easy and safe transportation.
Have a look...

First the needed space for the Jaguár theorati ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 07/01/2015 17:29   Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell
Thanks a lot for your replies and greetings.

I promise to upload a video too [amen]

  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 04/01/2015 22:31   Sujet: it's done
Very Happy Today I've finalized the Jaguár with 705g lift-off weight Very Happy

Here some more details: ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 24/12/2014 16:42   Sujet: mistakes needs to be done
Ok, I knew it before but did not take care of:
the varnish/dope (Spannlack) is so strong, it's bending the last spare of the rudder ... ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 15/12/2014 17:49   Sujet: a bit of RC
Unfortunately there is nearly 100g of weight needed in the nose to set up the right point of gravity Crying or Very sad
This way the glider weighs (still without varnish) nearly 700g.

Here are some impression ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 13/12/2014 16:19   Sujet: opening
Salut à tous,

Sorry for this delay in reporting. The next couple of weeks will be better.

The constructor has designed the nose to be removable for entering the fuselage. There could be some mag ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 09/11/2014 21:44   Sujet: dying balsa
Salut Miguel,

Is it possible to dye the balsa to get a similar effect?
In principle it's possible to dye balsa. But ... if you try to get a straight separation of colour, this will not be possible ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 09/11/2014 16:48   Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell
The tail unit was fix to the fuselage.
Wings and fuselage nicely positioned and aligned to it precisely.

Today is the day: wo ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 08/11/2014 14:56   Sujet: japanese saw
Salut Vincent,

These japanese saws aren't that expensive. Years ago I've bought a whole set of them.
I would recommmend at least this one: it's only 0,3mm thick [url=http://www.mehr-als-werkzeug.d ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 08/11/2014 14:05   Sujet: the nose
Next step: the nose, it should be made out of balsa.
But I ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 05/11/2014 08:37   Sujet: 3-dimensional balsa
To get good results for the cover it necessary to place some balsa strips onto the fuselage:

Unbelievable how much time this w ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 09/10/2014 18:00   Sujet: fill-ins, hook
Having only pine strips will be not enough for a bit rougher landing. So there is the need of fill-ins between the ribs

Some h ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 04/10/2014 19:03   Sujet: few inner rips
Gluing in the rips starting off the fuselage.
And again filling up the gaps with balsa. ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 28/09/2014 16:27   Sujet: no additional balsa in the kit
Hi Beat,

Please don't mind if I stay to English (for all international readers/followers).

Your're right, there is no balsa for fillings like for leading/trailing edges and nothing for the " ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 28/09/2014 14:44   Sujet: fuselage on its way
Using a few (12) pine strips the fuselage is coming up

t ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 27/09/2014 16:08   Sujet: rack for the fuselage cone
It's quite easy to establish the rack for the fuselage cone
(if one keep everything straight and rectangular) http://www.retropl ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 24/09/2014 17:08   Sujet: wings done
Time passes by so quickly, but at least the two wing parts are ready.

To glue the outer wing parts to the main wings I ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 02/09/2014 18:57   Sujet: end of wing, fillings
The end of the wing is pretty easy to do. Leading and trailing edges are pre-cut which makes it easy to glue the rips in right.
The lower spar can be prepared as well. ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 28/08/2014 18:49   Sujet: GFK mechanics
As posted earlier the arm or the mechanics of the elevator should be made out of wood. But I want to have parts made out of fiber. A friend of mine (Thanks to Alex) milled these parts for me.
http:// ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 26/08/2014 15:56   Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell
Hallo Beat,

If you will prefer reading in German ... have a look here: [url=]r ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 25/08/2014 17:29   Sujet: leading/trailing edge
Next step: Gluing in the upper spar with good pressure

Yesterday I've tried to push in all rips into the little gap of the lea ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 24/08/2014 09:49   Sujet: wing
Let's get an overview which parts there are for the wings.
Each rip has "nice stands" which makes it easy to achieve the right alignment. ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 22/08/2014 18:05   Sujet: bamboo
I like the idea of using a little bamboo rod as a leading edge. It would not be my first choice but still fascinating enough to try it out. So, since days the bamboo rods soaked in water.
http://www. ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 20/08/2014 18:10   Sujet: filling gaps
To prevent the fabrique/cover to "fall in" I've decided to fill in all gaps between the rips, as well as the gap between the fixed wing and the rudder ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 18/08/2014 20:08   Sujet: rudder (vertical tail)
While waiting for the leading edge bar (of the elevator) to be soaked in water, I start with the rudder.

I could not resist and put all parts together. ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 18/08/2014 09:24   Sujet: bauen&fliegen 5/2012
Salut Roger,

Thanks for remembering me. You're right, there's a report in bauen&fliegen 5/2012. I just had a look into it.

Some details have changed/improved to the version I build now. Even ...
  Sujet: Jaguár of Paco Modell

Réponses: 63
Vus: 86810

MessageForum: Aéromodèles Antiques, RC, VCC, vol libre   Posté le: 17/08/2014 12:37   Sujet: all-fyling rudder: rips, spar, trailing edge
Amazing how few parts are needed for this all-flying rudder

Nice detail: the rips need to be "turned" into the spar. ...
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