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  Sujet: Mead Challenger

Réponses: 3
Vus: 7029

MessageForum: Planeurs Grandeurs Rétro   Posté le: 26/10/2012 18:05   Sujet: Mead Challenger
In the photo above is Mead Challenger glider that was built in 1931 by Jean Barboi in Romania with blueprints brought from USA. This is pretty much all i know about this glider.

Another photo with ...
  Sujet: Mead Challenger

Réponses: 3
Vus: 7029

MessageForum: Planeurs Grandeurs Rétro   Posté le: 26/10/2012 16:11   Sujet: Mead Challenger
Hi everyone,
Can anyone help me with details about the Mead Challenger glider?
The glider has kingpost (i think this is the term) in some pictures and in other pictures don't. What exactly is the di ...
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