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  Sujet: Neiva B Monitor

Réponses: 10
Vus: 30508

MessageForum: Planeurs Grandeurs Rétro   Posté le: 24/12/2014 21:03   Sujet: Neiva B Monitor
Besten Dank!!

I will write a short history of the Neiva B Monitor and PT-PAM in particular, and post the link to it here later!

Merry Xmas to all of us!
  Sujet: Neiva B Monitor

Réponses: 10
Vus: 30508

MessageForum: Planeurs Grandeurs Rétro   Posté le: 22/12/2014 16:58   Sujet: PT-PAM back to flight!!
On December 20, 2014 (my 57th birthday) we have made the first flight with PT-PAM after 4 years.

Pitures are on FB and Videos on Youtube
First Album: ...
  Sujet: Neiva B Monitor

Réponses: 10
Vus: 30508

MessageForum: Planeurs Grandeurs Rétro   Posté le: 30/09/2013 13:57   Sujet: Neiva B Monitor
Another basically airworthy one is gone: PT-PEE , Sad , was turned over by a wind gust two or tree years ago, they told me....
  Sujet: Neiva B Monitor

Réponses: 10
Vus: 30508

MessageForum: Planeurs Grandeurs Rétro   Posté le: 14/02/2013 12:30   Sujet: Neiva B Monitor
Unfortunately Mr. José Carlos de Barros Neiva died last Saturday, Feb 09, 2013.
  Sujet: Neiva B Monitor

Réponses: 10
Vus: 30508

MessageForum: Planeurs Grandeurs Rétro   Posté le: 20/08/2012 23:16   Sujet: PT-PAM, Neiva B Monitor.
Mes amis, my French is not the best, so I will post in English, please forgive me...I have made some of the pictures on this page.

The gentleman on the first picture of VincentB's 2nd post is Mr. ...
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