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  Sujet: Gluhareff S22

Réponses: 54
Vus: 68291

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 09/02/2017 22:25   Sujet: Gluhareff S22
[clap] [clap]

  Sujet: Gluhareff S22

Réponses: 54
Vus: 68291

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 30/11/2016 22:25   Sujet: Gluhareff S22

Actually I have not measured movements of control surfaces. But still,

Aileron - they are not so effective. Movement is approx. +/- 1,5cm. But if you can get more I think this is good as my ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S22

Réponses: 54
Vus: 68291

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 30/11/2016 22:01   Sujet: So nice project!
Hello fellow modellers,

I have been extremely busy with my day job and neglected to follow this wonderful forum. And this extremely nice S-22-project. Your progress is astonishing!

Some messages ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 23/08/2015 20:13   Sujet: Some news..

I have been neglecting this great site for too long and small update is in place. First, S-22 is still flying great. No problems there. That is fun little plane.

But, this is news. My ...
  Sujet: Pou Planeur de Louis Cosandey

Réponses: 243
Vus: 292067

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 17/06/2013 19:06   Sujet: Pou Planeur de Louis Cosandey
Hi Jean-Paul!

I must pass this year, I have been extremely busy at my day job. But I lurk around these great build logs just to fantasize of building something soon..

  Sujet: Pou Planeur de Louis Cosandey

Réponses: 243
Vus: 292067

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 16/06/2013 19:53   Sujet: Pou Planeur de Louis Cosandey
Looking great!

  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 07/04/2013 19:29   Sujet: free plans available
One more thing.

I finalized & published plans of this plane. They are available for free download at

  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 07/04/2013 19:26   Sujet: some final photos
Hello everyone,

I got back from winter skiing holiday and check'd camera. There was still couple photos which I forgot to add to this thread. See below.. ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 20/03/2013 23:06   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

I just noticed third video containing S-22-flying. That part of video was taken at end of event with crowds going home. So field is almost empty and no paragliders. ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 20/03/2013 20:36   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
It does skid, which is evident on video. But with rather modest co-ordinated use rud & ail you can make totally flat thermal turns. I even managed to stay in thermals for good while. The sun was h ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 19/03/2013 19:54   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
Merci Pat!

Yes, that tug is quite brutal. We were quite worried that there would be something... bad during maiden tow so we decided to perform helicopter tow. That is, go straight up. In case of p ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 18/03/2013 18:04   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
Merci Frédéric!

brief update - Peekoo just published an short video of S-22-maiden. We are still in process of finetuning it, but it can be seen currently

  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 17/03/2013 23:04   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
Thanks everyone!

Vincent - those skis are not usable in soft snow. They would sink into snow immediately and that would generate too large backward force to landing gears. They would break, and fus ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 17/03/2013 19:42   Sujet: Jipppiiii!
Mesdames et Messieurs! Il me fait grand plaisir d'annoncer vol inaugural du Gluhareff S-22.
(and just to certain - that google translated stuff looks suspicious..)
Ladies and gentlemen! It is my gre ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 12/03/2013 23:45   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
merci à vous tous!

Regarding winter, you seem to be enjoying it more than us :). At least according news you have received snow which normally is delivered here. Lucky you!

Well - for this plane ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 10/03/2013 20:44   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
Merci Vincent!

I love wood building!

This plane is quite funny looking. Actually - it looks a lot like planes in vintage comic books, a bit like this... ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 10/03/2013 10:39   Sujet: Time for some motivational assembly pics. ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 10/03/2013 10:36   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
Actually product information says that it is 'Paulown-tree'. Whatever that might be. I have no clue. I gues it grows in places which does not include Finland.

Wood itself is quite light and sands e ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 07/03/2013 21:41   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
And then to today's steps. I got terrible flu so did not have energy to do anything important, but something still. have one ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 07/03/2013 21:26   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
merci à tous!

Regarding Peenemunde - I do have some doubts of that idea, but I remember seeing one glider which had periscope. Anyway - this chap Adaridi who was part of original team flying this p ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 04/03/2013 22:55   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
Merci Christian,

And today I sanded it to shape, not yet finalized but good enough for next steps. I also sanded initial shape to nose block.

And cleaned shop. That took 2 hours.

http://www. ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 03/03/2013 22:31   Sujet: Sheeting completed..
And then I had enjoyable day of sheeting. This is really strange looking plane.

Note that plane is nowhere near completely sanded etc. So there are rough edges. ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 03/03/2013 22:28   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
Papy - that is gorgeaus. It is modelling art. You should have not flown it, or covered it.

And regarding 3-axles-piloting skills... I can build, yes, but flying is not my forte. Flying this will be ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 27/02/2013 21:18   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
Merci Papy, I am a bit worried whether this will be flyable. My main concern is total lack of v-form combined with 'interesting' ailerons. I might end up doing barrel roll on maiden tow.

Also short ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 24/02/2013 19:10   Sujet: All kinds of small details
Then to collection of all kinds of small details. This is extremely strange looking rudder. I laminated leading edge ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 24/02/2013 18:58   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
Next to aileron. This is rather large aileron, as it is really half wing. So it should be aerodynamically good enough. ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 21/02/2013 20:23   Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas
Merci, Vincent

And today is time to sheet wing tips. It required quite a bit of sanding to get tips into shape but it looks right now.

Tuomas ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 20/02/2013 20:44   Sujet: Aileron actuator.
Okay, now I have done the first implementation test. It seems to be working, but there is some finetuning to be done. t ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 11/02/2013 21:46   Sujet: And then back to build...

I have been away for a while to do another project but now I'm back. I need to get this baby to air as winter is nearing end and only ...
  Sujet: Gluhareff S-22 - Tuomas

Réponses: 76
Vus: 129693

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 09/12/2012 22:37   Sujet: Wing tips..
Then to the wing tips. As they are moving (= ailerons :) they are somewhat challenging. And there is also another challenge. Airfoil is constantly changing at tip so it took me quite bit head scratch ...
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