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Rubik R-22S Június 18 (1/3 scale)

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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 01 Jan 2009

Localisation: Gyor
Âge: 47 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 12/03/2012 22:45    Sujet du message: Rubik R-22S Június 18 (1/3 scale) Répondre en citant


I dont know how long is it since that I am watching and learning the retro- plane building methodes here in this website. I was very close to order a Schneder Habicht or an Nemere, but I chose the hardest way. Some weeks ago I stared to design an original Hunarian masterpiece called Rubik R-22S Június 18 (the "laminar 18")

The CAD drawing is based on GÁBOR JEREB book called Hungarian Gliders.

Scale: 1/3
Wingspan: 5333
Fuselage: 2167
Wingroot: 383,5mm HQ/W-2,5/14
Wingtip: 150mm HQ/W-2,5/10
Angle of attack: +2 deg
Wash out: -1 deg

I am not a quick builder so it will take about 1,5 years.



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Eric Spore
Incurable Posteur
Incurable Posteur

Inscrit le: 24 Nov 2008

Localisation: Lorient
Âge: 64 Bélier

MessagePosté le: 12/03/2012 23:11    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Nice project Attila. You look very courageous in deciding to start from scratch. You are a master user of CAD tools [clap] [clap]

I hope we can meet at the Spitzerberg slope for the 2012 Retroplane meeting. It's quite close to your place (70km)

I'm a proud owner of a Nemere based on Schneider kit. I largely modified it.
See the repair section, you should find my thread.


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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006

Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 13/03/2012 06:16    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Attila, welcome to the forum Very Happy
Rubik's glider are very original, and few modellers reproduce them. We follow your progress with interest. What cad software did you use?

Retroplane et modélisme en pause, vanlife ŕ haute dose.
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 20 Juil 2008

Localisation: D-76327 Pfinztal

MessagePosté le: 13/03/2012 17:48    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ez aztán a szép projekt!

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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 01 Jan 2009

Localisation: Gyor
Âge: 47 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 13/03/2012 22:19    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Thanks all of you.

To tell the thrues I am an mechanical engineer and I use SOLID EDGE from 8 to 10 hours a day, but despite of the fact it is a big achievement to design a classik glider like R-22.

So I use Solid Edge V20. I think it is quiet good for this purposes. But about 200 - 250 hours of designing time from the 3-wiev drawing to laser cutting is extremely long time. Sometimes I feel that I should have used 2D AutoCAD instead.

Working from scratch is not that hard. Because I can use well know methodes and I can copy them for my purpse. The bigest challenge is the building process itself. I needed some courage to open this topic, because it will not be easy to get near to the "Retroplane quality"

Eric - Your Nemere is an masterpiece. I followed the whole building process from the background in the last years. It would be great to see it in Retroplane meeting. Is it possible to go there as an visitor? I havent seen any information about it.


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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006

Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 14/03/2012 06:35    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

« Attiqs » a écrit:
It would be great to see it in Retroplane meeting. Is it possible to go there as an visitor? I havent seen any information about it.

Yes of course, no problem, you will be the welcome

Retroplane et modélisme en pause, vanlife ŕ haute dose.
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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 26 Jan 2006

MessagePosté le: 14/03/2012 09:00    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Attila,
Nice project . The fuse of the R22 looks like the one of the Lunak on the front part.It makes me also think about my Sagitta, the sole dutch glider.. It may be aerobatic I suppose. I am going to have a look to Gabor's book. I am sure you'll complete this lovely glider [clap] Wink
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 01 Jan 2009

Localisation: Gyor
Âge: 47 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 09/12/2012 10:15    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi all

In the last some month I did some progress on R22-S plan. Still I have a lot to do on it but I hope I can finish it soon. The building process could start at the begining of next year.

Some pictures:


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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 26 Jan 2006

MessagePosté le: 09/12/2012 12:05    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Waooouuuhhh , impressive design work ! Will you share your plans in the future?
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 01 Jan 2009

Localisation: Gyor
Âge: 47 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 09/12/2012 19:29    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Yes of course, it will be shared.
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 01 Jan 2009

Localisation: Gyor
Âge: 47 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 15/02/2013 19:24    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


In the last some weeks I finished the R22 plan and ordered the laser cutting. After the boring designing period it is a great feeling to catch the part in my hands.

Some pictures:

It is terrible to upload the pictures...
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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006

Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 15/02/2013 19:27    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Great work [clap]

Retroplane et modélisme en pause, vanlife ŕ haute dose.
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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 26 Jan 2006

MessagePosté le: 15/02/2013 21:02    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

[clap] [clap] The most "boring" work completed; I wish you 'll enjoy the building step ! Nice work [clap] [clap]
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Maniaco Posteur
Maniaco Posteur

Inscrit le: 21 Juil 2011

Localisation: Maurepas 78
Âge: 72 Lion

MessagePosté le: 17/02/2013 19:29    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

ça ,c'est le top du top ... [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [amen] [amen]

Ceux qui s'avancent trop précipitamment reculeront encore plus vite
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 01 Jan 2009

Localisation: Gyor
Âge: 47 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 18/02/2013 20:30    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thanks to all of you.

It was the easier part of the job, because CAD engineering is my profession. Unfortunately I dont have so much experienece in scale modelling. R-22S is my secound design.

The first was:

R-22S is a bigger challenge...
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