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USSR AFV-10 Glider in 1:4 scale
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Nikolay Lebedev
Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 30 Oct 2013

Localisation: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Âge: 52 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 01/07/2014 02:44    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi, Gents,

i have almost completed the glider.

see the thread and a small movey.


Nikolay Lebedev

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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 26 Jan 2006

MessagePosté le: 01/07/2014 06:37    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Great Job, nice wood work ,Nikolay [clap] [clap] [clap]
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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006

Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 01/07/2014 06:57    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Nikolay, congratulation, beautiful work, all these détails are for me the most pleasant, especially the spoked wheels. I don't see on the photos, how you made the rims? like me, in steel? or in brass?

Retroplane et modélisme en pause, vanlife à haute dose.
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Nikolay Lebedev
Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 30 Oct 2013

Localisation: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Âge: 52 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 01/07/2014 07:40    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


I wanted to place the photos, but I struggled with the requirements to reduce photos to 100 kb and 600x600. Why not to make it automatically in your site:-).


Nikolay Lebedev

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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006

Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 01/07/2014 07:47    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I could have the system with GD library but the original big file will be hosted on the server and take space disk, so I prefere that everyone resize himself his photos, it's easy and quickly

Retroplane et modélisme en pause, vanlife à haute dose.
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Nikolay Lebedev
Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 30 Oct 2013

Localisation: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Âge: 52 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 01/07/2014 13:04    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Some photos attached below. The wheels I did by the same method as you did, but I did not use hard-soldering because hard-solder temperature soften the spokes. But if we use a soft-soldering the original strength of the spokes remain the same as no effect of high temperature.

Actually to design and construct this model for me was a big challenge but the major job is done and I have to cover the model only.

I will post the pictures of covering process later, say end of July as now I am going to vacation, have some rest.

To be continued

Nikolay Lebedev

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Psycho Posteur
Psycho Posteur

Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2006

Localisation: La Houssaye en Brie 77
Âge: 52 Gémeau

MessagePosté le: 09/07/2014 22:05    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Nicolay,
It's really wonderful !
[amen] [amen] [amen]


Lolométéo, rétro addict ;o)

"On commence à vieillir quand on remplace ses rêves par des regrets"
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Psycho Posteur
Psycho Posteur

Inscrit le: 06 Mai 2014

Localisation: Anjou
Âge: 62 Capricorne

MessagePosté le: 09/07/2014 23:06    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Very nice build. Original Sailplane.


Slingsby Petrel, à mon gout le plus beau de tous, quoi que le Fafnir ... Ah ces ailes en mouette, un jour ....

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Walter L.
Maniaco Posteur
Maniaco Posteur

Inscrit le: 06 Fév 2008

Localisation: Neuenrade

MessagePosté le: 11/07/2014 19:18    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Nikolay,

it is a really impressing glider! So many details like fittings, wires and the wheels.

I am waiting for the - of course positive - informations about the first flight.

Best regards
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Nikolay Lebedev
Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 30 Oct 2013

Localisation: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Âge: 52 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 31/07/2014 12:50    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


So, I completed the glider. Everything is done. The flying weight is around 4800 gr. Charged wing area 46 gr/sq dc. Wing span 3 meters.

Some weight left for balance, but it is almost 30% of the cord (365 mm).

Soon I will try to launch the glider by bungee start. I am afraid to launch it, I spent around one year to build it, so if it crashes, it will be a sad day for me.

In any case I will try to launch it.

P.S. It is my first experience to use Diacov tissue, it is very good and light for application tissue with good adhesion and shrinkage properties.

Nikolay Lebedev

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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006

Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 31/07/2014 13:08    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Congratulation Niikolay, the covering is clean [clap]
would you aging the Diacov with wood tint?

Retroplane et modélisme en pause, vanlife à haute dose.
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Nikolay Lebedev
Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 30 Oct 2013

Localisation: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Âge: 52 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 31/07/2014 13:19    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

« VincentB » a écrit:
Congratulation Niikolay, the covering is clean [clap]
would you aging the Diacov with wood tint?

Yes, Vincent, I used one layer of wood tint, and nothing more. It seems to me that it is enough.

I would not say that the covering I did quite clean and perfect, it is my first experience with Diacov and if I knew its shrinkage capacity I would reinforce some parts of wing and make them stronger. But I did what I could with my relatively small experience in model making process.

Nikolay Lebedev

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Psycho Posteur
Psycho Posteur

Inscrit le: 25 Juil 2010

Localisation: COTE D'OR
Âge: 66 Capricorne

MessagePosté le: 29/12/2015 22:46    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello Nikolay. Congratulations for this beautiful construction. [amen] [amen] [amen]
Your Avf-10 flew? [humm] [humm]

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Accro Posteur
Accro Posteur

Inscrit le: 29 Nov 2014

Localisation: Contes
Âge: 82 Taureau

MessagePosté le: 29/12/2015 23:19    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Very Happy Yes, really nice work, and y wish you many nice flyghts [clap] [clap]

Le vent se lève .....
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Maniaco Posteur
Maniaco Posteur

Inscrit le: 17 Aoû 2015

Localisation: Hillegom
Âge: 78 Vierge

MessagePosté le: 29/12/2015 23:46    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

You are doing a great job! [clap] [clap] [clap]
I surely like the detailing.

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