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Doppelraab in Brasil

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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2018

Localisation: Bento Gonçalves
Âge: 52 Vierge

MessagePosté le: 02/11/2018 18:13    Sujet du message: Doppelraab in Brasil Répondre en citant

Bonjour everyone,
Sorry about the language.
My name is Gustavo, I'm writing from south Brasil.
Enjoy a lot the theme old planeurs.
I'm planning to make a Doppelraab.
For instance, still buying the material. I can't promisse a quik construction.
I will post pictures.
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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006

Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 02/11/2018 19:13    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Gustavo, welcome to the forum Very Happy
We are waiting your building [scie]

Retroplane et modélisme en pause, vanlife à haute dose.
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2018

Localisation: Bento Gonçalves
Âge: 52 Vierge

MessagePosté le: 18/11/2018 18:09    Sujet du message: First questions Répondre en citant

Vincent and friends,

Still waiting for some woods, but need a help:
I have 2 prints: one is the plann itself and the other is probably the draws for the laser cut, which shows the "Q" piece in two segments.
Maybe it´s because the laser cut machines can´t cut big pieces?
I will not use laser cut, so is it better to use the Q piece in one single piece, confirm?
Other question is about the need (or not) to build the air brakes (in the wings). They are not in the plann, and I read that Vincent didn´t do it in his Doppel. But if you are doing your model now, will you buid them? If so, where can I find a good scketch?
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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006

Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 18/11/2018 18:45    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

You can cut the Q part on the middle of the wheel, and glue a plywood inside to boost and have a strong part.
You don't have the drawing of the airbrakes on your plan? [humm] you can download it here
look at this page for more details

Retroplane et modélisme en pause, vanlife à haute dose.
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2018

Localisation: Bento Gonçalves
Âge: 52 Vierge

MessagePosté le: 21/11/2018 00:46    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I'm having trouble to take pictures with max 600x600 pixels. The lowest resolution of my camera is 640x480 pixels, with 95Kb.
Any tips?
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patte de loup
Incurable Posteur
Incurable Posteur

Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2006

Localisation: Alsace (Strasbourg)
Âge: 66 Cancer

MessagePosté le: 21/11/2018 01:16    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Dear Gustavo,

You have to change the weight of the pic with a software ( usualy , they propose a coneversion for Web ) as Microsoft office picture manager. and then upload on the forum.

Un "prédateur" des pentes de France et de Navarre
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2018

Localisation: Bento Gonçalves
Âge: 52 Vierge

MessagePosté le: 22/11/2018 23:59    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Let the fun begins

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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2018

Localisation: Bento Gonçalves
Âge: 52 Vierge

MessagePosté le: 23/11/2018 00:29    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I started to cut the plywood parts with a blade, but it's too heavy for my elbow. I will borrow a jigsaw tool from a friend of mine. Regret to not use the laser cut... at least for the ply parts.
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2018

Localisation: Bento Gonçalves
Âge: 52 Vierge

MessagePosté le: 27/11/2018 22:39    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Vincent, you were right. The air brakes draws are on the plan. Perhaps I was without glasses...
Pat, thanks for the tips with the pictures sizing.
Until now, I have cutted all CTP parts of the fuselage, but 3 of them I will have to repeat cause they broked. Not easy to cut some parts.
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2018

Localisation: Bento Gonçalves
Âge: 52 Vierge

MessagePosté le: 04/12/2018 23:02    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

A stubbord N1 requires a high skill to shape.

Next will be N2.
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2018

Localisation: Bento Gonçalves
Âge: 52 Vierge

MessagePosté le: 29/12/2018 20:44    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Those reindeer went out for a strike....mmmmmmm..... having some ideas for the next Christmas
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