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Fafnir pilot figure

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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2010

Localisation: istanbul
Âge: 45 Poissons

MessagePosté le: 26/05/2010 22:06    Sujet du message: Fafnir pilot figure Répondre en citant

First of all hi for everyone. i am new here. I made this pilot figure for Cem Zırh' Fafnir. We know eachother from a forum about rc plane but officially not meet with him yet Laughing Here are some pictures of Gunther's figure.

First i made the head section with plastiline.

setting up for the moulding

here comes the plaster of paris Very Happy

after finished the first half of the mould. applied some wax on first half for molding the second half.

again covering the second half with plaster of paris.

completely moulded and waiting for to dry.

I had some problems about the head section and made another one. But this time used silicone for molding material. And mould it with epowood.

now it is time to make the constriction. i use double layer metal wire and cover it with sponge

After painting and wearing costume (costume part belongs to my girlfriend Senta; god bless her [amen] ) it looks something nice Very Happy

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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 02 Mai 2006

Localisation: Europe
Âge: 61 Verseau

MessagePosté le: 26/05/2010 22:38    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Magnifique [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap]


Orlik en construction
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Serial Posteur
Serial Posteur

Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006

Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 27/05/2010 05:05    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Damacan, welcome to the forum Very Happy
you have a great mastery of modeling and shaping [amen] the pilot is superb [clap] there is a great similarity with Günther Groenhoff
why you don't reproduce the smile on the second head? problems for the shaping?
Cem must be very happy Very Happy
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Accro Posteur
Accro Posteur

Inscrit le: 24 Jan 2006

Localisation: Fontaines - Suisse
Âge: 65 Bélier

MessagePosté le: 27/05/2010 06:07    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Wonderful pilot [amen] [clap] [clap] [clap]

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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2010

Localisation: istanbul
Âge: 45 Poissons

MessagePosté le: 27/05/2010 08:18    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

« VincentB » a écrit:
Hi Damacan, welcome to the forum Very Happy
you have a great mastery of modeling and shaping [amen] the pilot is superb [clap] there is a great similarity with Günther Groenhoff
why you don't reproduce the smile on the second head? problems for the shaping?
Cem must be very happy Very Happy

Thanx Vincent. Actually i am sculptor [fiufiu] I didn't reproduce the smile on the face cause when i made the fist negative mould from plaster of paris, i tried to press epowood in to the mould and when it dires, i tired to remove it but it couldn't came easyli and became deformed Mad Then i Produced the secon head on to the first one which is deformed. Actually i could make that smile again but just didn't. Modeling part is my profession but dress, nah Laughing This one is good but we can produce much betters. Very Happy
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2010

Localisation: istanbul
Âge: 45 Poissons

MessagePosté le: 27/05/2010 08:21    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

« Christian » a écrit:
Magnifique [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap]


« Jean-MarieM » a écrit:
Wonderful pilot [amen] [clap] [clap] [clap]


Thanx a lot Very Happy
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Accro Posteur
Accro Posteur

Inscrit le: 21 Fév 2009

Localisation: Bodrum, Turkey
Âge: 62 Sagittaire

MessagePosté le: 27/05/2010 10:35    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Merhaba Can;

Thank you very very much, for the pilot... Very Happy
Good job. [clap]

« VincentB » a écrit:

Cem must be very happy Very Happy

Yes Vincent, I am very happy.. [arf]

Cem Zırh
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Fidèle Posteur
Fidèle Posteur

Inscrit le: 12 Oct 2010

Localisation: salzburg
Âge: 66 Poissons

MessagePosté le: 23/03/2012 17:49    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

[amen] [amen] [clap]
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Psycho Posteur
Psycho Posteur

Inscrit le: 25 Juil 2010

Localisation: COTE D'OR
Âge: 66 Capricorne

MessagePosté le: 24/03/2012 10:50    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

[clap] [clap] [clap]
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2007

Localisation: Pays-bas
Âge: 67 Poissons

MessagePosté le: 25/03/2012 11:13    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

See the ressemblance:

[clap] [amen]
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