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Stephan Psycho Posteur
Inscrit le: 15 Mar 2006
Localisation: Pattensen/Hanovre-Allemagne
Âge: 65
Posté le: 02/05/2007 21:00 Sujet du message: |
Après avoire poser la soie, Walter a les questions suivantes:
1. Combien des couches de verni tendeur il faut mettre après avoir poser la soie
2. Est ce qu'il faut prendre le verni pur ou bien dilué
3. Est ce qu'il faut poncer et avec quel grainage.
4. Est ce qu'il faut mettre une sous-couche de peinture ou on peut appliquer toute suite la peinture finale
Merci bien pour la reponse
Stephan (pour Walter) |
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VincentB Serial Posteur
Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006
Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61
Posté le: 03/05/2007 06:24 Sujet du message: |
Sur mon Musger j'ai mis 3 autres couches d'enduit nitro + une dernière avec du talc et poncée finement au papier carrossier 600.
L'enduit nitro je ne le dilue pas, sauf s'il est vieux et commence à être trop épais. Pour poncer il faut y aller doucement, sinon on attaque vite fait la soie.
Je pense que l'idéal serait de ne pas mettre d'enduit au talc mais un apprêt (sous couche d'accrochage). L'enduit au talc je n'ai jamais eu d'ennuis mais ça fait vraiment lisse et glacé, il me semble que certains disent avoir eu des problèmes d'accrochage de leur peinture
De toute façon avant de peindre le fuselage c'est toujours plus prudent d'essayer les peinture sur une chute entoilée/enduite, on ne sait jamais les réactions des produits entre eux
Auf meinem Musger habe ich 3 Schichten mit Spannlack aufgebracht und eine letzte mit einem Spannlack/Talk Gemisch. Das Ganze habe ich dann mit 600er Schmirgelpapier vorsichtig verschliffen. Den Spannlack verdünne ich in der Regel nicht, außer er ist alt und schon etwas dick geworden. Was das Schleifen angeht muss man sehr vorsichtig sein, sonst verletzt man schnell das Seidengewebe.
Ich glaube ideal wäre keinen Spannlack/Talk Gemisch anzuwenden und dafür den Rumpf zu grundieren. Zwar habe ich mit dieser Methode noch nie Probleme gehabt, die Oberfläche wird jedoch sehr glatt, geradezu glasig und ich glaube einige haben schon Probleme berichtet, die Farbe darauf zum Halten zu bringen.
Wie dem auch sei, es ist immer besser bevor man den Rumpf lackiert einen Versuch auf einem Abfallstückchen zu machen, das genauso behandelt wurde wie der Rumpf, man weiss nie wie sich die Produkte untereinander verhalten. |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 19/05/2007 21:59 Sujet du message: |
...in the last two weeks I made the decicion for the design and began the work - I will try to realize the OE-0485...
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 19/05/2007 22:05 Sujet du message: |
So the work started with the fuselage - Vincent gave some very helpful ideas - thank you for that
Off course I had some problems - I have not so much practise - but at the end I´m satisfied. Really not perfect but much more better than my last work... |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 19/05/2007 22:18 Sujet du message: |
...and now I´m working on the wings...what a difficult work...
I hope I will make not too much mistakes...
I hope that the colour will not flow under the tissue - I painted the ground with nitro dope. So please "pray" for me...
Walter |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 21/05/2007 21:45 Sujet du message: |
Good evening...
It´s done...
I´m very satisfied with my wings - it`s the first time that I´ve painted a plane. The quality of the rudder finish is not so good but for me it´s OK. Here is a detail of the wings surface...
I see - some of you did help me with good wishes...
Vincent - thank you very much for your kindly offering to help with the decals.
Walter |
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texier Accro Posteur
Inscrit le: 02 Mar 2006
Localisation: Monbrun (32)
Âge: 51
Posté le: 21/05/2007 22:29 Sujet du message: |
Well done, nice job !
It seems that the secret is to paint imediatly after the tape masking. Not leaving the tape many days in order to prevent any "leaks" under masking.
On appelle idées claires celles qui sont au même degré de confusion que les siennes. |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 23/05/2007 18:08 Sujet du message: |
Hello Sylvain,
...I think that´s it - after the masking I`ve painted along the tape with a very "dry" brush - I think it´s important to use not too much colour for this first painting:
I pulled of the masking tape about 20 minutes after the second painting. But at the end I think that practice is the best help for a good result. And so I think about new projects to get this practice...
Walter |
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gérard Stagiaire Posteur
Inscrit le: 02 Aoû 2006
Posté le: 23/05/2007 20:34 Sujet du message: |
Vite, la suite...
it's wonderfull !! |
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raztouf Apprenti Posteur
Inscrit le: 30 Mai 2006
Localisation: En savoie...
Âge: 59
Posté le: 24/05/2007 08:41 Sujet du message: |
Très belle réalisation bravo.
J'attends avec impatience de voir l'ensemble fini ...
Very beautiful realization. I am impatient to see this version the musger finished…
Les pieds dans l'eau, la tête dans les nuages...
La passion c'est la vie, la partager la décuple ... |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 29/05/2007 17:21 Sujet du message: |
...thank you for your friendly words - I hope you will like it "in nature" also...
OK - today I completed the rudder and I want to show you how it works:
it´s very easy but you need great rudder throw to slip the metal bar into the groove
Than the screw
And at last the cover - I will fix it with a screw, like the original.
It is amazing that there is no tolerance - it works pretty good
Best regards
Walter |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 29/05/2007 18:46 Sujet du message: |
...the decals are also ready...
The witch and the identification are perfekt - with the red sign I´m not so happy.
Walter |
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Christian Serial Posteur
Inscrit le: 02 Mai 2006
Localisation: Europe
Âge: 61
Posté le: 29/05/2007 18:49 Sujet du message: |
Orlik en construction |
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VincentB Serial Posteur
Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006
Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61
Posté le: 29/05/2007 18:59 Sujet du message: |
very nice Walter
is it this week end you meet Stephan to fly on the slope in Austria? |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 29/05/2007 19:21 Sujet du message: |
Hello Vincent,
..it was the last weekend. We had a good time and much luck with the weather. Stephan left Tirol today - it was snowing...
Maybe you´re surprised why Stephan does not answer - he has a technical problem with his modem and he cannot answer since last week.
By the way...Stephan spend a lot time before to train thermal circling - he handels rudder an aileron nearly perfect - so I have to practice the next weeks...
Rene´was also here and I saw the Doppis....they look great...much more better than on pictures...
Walter |
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VincentB Serial Posteur
Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006
Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61
Posté le: 29/05/2007 19:35 Sujet du message: |
Thank you, I understand now, why we did not have news of Stephan |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 29/05/2007 20:52 Sujet du message: |
...Stephan without Internet - it`s a torture for him...
On the other hand - I can write without any fear...
No... - I think we all miss his comments and I hope he will get his new modem as soon as possible.
MG19 update:
Stephan took a look at my MG19 - ...this was a motivation to spend some hours and eliminate some finish-mistakes - i will make some pictures in the next days - I will ask Stephan to translate what I´ve done.
Good evening
Walter |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 01/06/2007 18:14 Sujet du message: |
...my fuselage ist finished. All in all im satisfied for this first all wooden Oldtimer...but...at the retroplane meeting I will not allow anyone to come nearer than 2m to my MG19...
For me the cabin was the most difficult part. Maybe I try to make a cabin with brass tubes after this season.
Vincent, is it possible to get two cabin glasses in July ?
Walter |
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GuillaumeG Accro Posteur
Inscrit le: 04 Mar 2006
Localisation: Munich / Savoie (73)
Âge: 40
Posté le: 01/06/2007 20:01 Sujet du message: |
Yes, really nice work Walter, I like this paint very much! Good luck to finish it, and hoping to see the beast in flight soon. |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 04/06/2007 19:08 Sujet du message: |
...and today I completed the cockpit. Most of the parts are made by myself. Everything can be removed - so it`s no problem to reach the electronic parts...
I`m looking forward to the meeting...
Best regards
Walter |
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VincentB Serial Posteur
Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006
Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61
Posté le: 04/06/2007 19:48 Sujet du message: |
Wahooo |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 04/06/2007 20:24 Sujet du message: |
...ou`mon promotion reste a "apprendi"....ou bien meilleur "fidele"..
...a small joke... - and my first attempt to write in french...
Vincent, I´m proud that you like the cockpit...
Walter |
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VincentB Serial Posteur
Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006
Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61
Posté le: 10/06/2007 10:02 Sujet du message: |
« Walter » a écrit:
Vincent, is it possible to get two cabin glasses in July ?
Walter, I made canopy this morning, I will take it to Retroplane |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 10/06/2007 19:25 Sujet du message: |
Hello Vincent,
...thank you very much
Today i made the last details:
the metal cover of the skid:
and the covering of elevator and fuselage
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VincentB Serial Posteur
Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006
Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61
Posté le: 10/06/2007 19:33 Sujet du message: |
Your pilot is always on the surgical table? I saw the operation on rcline.de |
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 10/06/2007 19:36 Sujet du message: |
...and now I´m sitting here with a good glass of wine, because the MG19 is ready for flying...
...and the cockpit with pilot...
Vincent, the pilot is Ok as you can see - but today I had to capture his legs... |
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Stephan Psycho Posteur
Inscrit le: 15 Mar 2006
Localisation: Pattensen/Hanovre-Allemagne
Âge: 65
Posté le: 10/06/2007 19:41 Sujet du message: |
First thing I realize Walter, you have been promoted to "apprenti posteur"
secondly the lawn has still not been mown
but the MG19A is great
Stephan |
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VincentB Serial Posteur
Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2006
Localisation: Lanzarote
Âge: 61
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Walter Incurable Posteur
Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2006
Posté le: 10/06/2007 19:46 Sujet du message: |
At the end of the work:
- A fantastic design of Vincent which allowed a "Oldtimer beginner" to finish the project
-I learned a lot - and I´m searching for new projects...
- I hope that I can hold my knees under control for the first flight...
The weight is 2.8 kg (I don´t need plumber! - also a sign for a well done design from Vincent!)
The EWD is about 1,3° - I will make 2° for the first flight.
And last but not least - Vincent, do you like red or white wine...ore better a single malt ?...you have one free at retroplane...
Walter |
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